We’re looking for 12 young people between 18 – 30, preferably young artists, interested in working on the festival and creating their art piece with an amazing mentor JAŠA. Participants can come from any EU or partner countries! Applications are open until the 30th of June 2022.
In the upcoming May evenings, when the leading musicians of the night of nature are nightingales, two unique sound events in the natural environment will take place as part of the Steklenik Gallery program. One of them will be in Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve in Koper, on 14th of May 2022, starting at 7.30 pm.
On the 30th of November 2021 we’re organizing an online conference on the topic of social innovation. The conference will focus on the role the civil society organizations have. The registrations are now open!
On the 30th of November 2021 we’re organizing an online conference on the topic of social innovation. The conference will focus on the role the civil society organizations have. We’re calling good practices in this field to apply and join us on the conference!
Join us in the virtual space and take a look at our upcoming production “SubAquatic songs_Aquaformations,” that connects the fields of art, marine biology, artificial intelligence and sound. On Tuesday, 29th of December 2020 at 8 p. m. (CET, GMT+1).
This Friday, 11 September 2020, at 11 am, we will hold a very interesting workshop in our premises, led by Robertina Šebjanič and Miha Godec – aqua_forensic at the Adriatic Garden. The workshop will interactively highlight the problem of invisible water pollutants.
Ars Electronica Festival 2020: The Kepler’s Garden will take you on a journey through the gardens this year and will map the ‘new’ world at the JKU campus in Linz and 120 other locations across the globe, including Koper. A part of its programme is the Adriatic Garden | aqua_forensic 2.0, which connects two places …
We are sharing an open call by In\Visible Cities Festival_Digital contaminations and the organization Quarantasettezeroquattro, which is open to individual artists, artists’ groups, collectives, production studios interested in participating to the Festival by proposing multimedia artworks: shows, live performances or installations.
The publication ‘YOU4EU Policy Recommendations’ is the result of the project ‘YOU4EU – Citizen Participation 2.0’. A list of conclusions and recommendations aimed at improving transparency and civic participation across Europe.
On December 11th of 2019, at Gortan Square 15 in Koper, PiNA has opened the first community space in Istria, dedicated to meeting societal challenges.