MILEAGE: development of mentoring for quality practices in higher education


1st of September 2023 – 31st of October 2025


University of Ljubljana, CESIE (Italy), Universita degli studi di Palermo (Italy), The Peace Education Institute (Finland), Faculty of Education UOULU (Finland)

Supported by

Erasmus + KA220-HED – Collaborative Partnerships in Tertiary Education


Informing, Education, Inclusion


The project connects higher education institutions, NGOs and career centers in the implementation of study practices in the NGO sector.

By developing a support system of career centers for successful planning of study practices, strengthening the mentoring competencies of university professors and NGO workers, 60 high-quality and inclusive study practices will be implemented within the project, which will be based on a successful, already tested practice model within the previous Social Innovators project.