
YOU4EU Policy Recommendations

Written by PiNA February 28, 2020

The publication ‘YOU4EU Policy Recommendations’ is the result of the project ‘YOU4EU – Citizen Participation 2.0’. A list of conclusions and recommendations aimed at improving transparency and civic participation across Europe.

This publication highlights that, in Europe, there is a pressing need to improve citizen participation in decision-making processes, not only at the EU level, but also at national and local levels. However, there is still a long way to go in Europe: communication channels with citizens must improve, and responses to requests must be faster and more comprehensible, leaving aside confusing administrative terminology.

There is also an urgent need to achieve greater transparency inside the EU institutions. There is still a lack of transparency on the allocation and spending of EU funds. In addition to this, there is a lack of transparency on decision-making processes, with lobbyists still having a large influence over decisions, something that can go unseen and can be difficult to map.

The report calls for the publication of some datasets that are key to fight corruption, such as the company and land registers.

At the end of the publication, national recommendations can be found for those countries who were part of the project: Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Spain and Slovenia.

Download the publication ‘YOU4EU Policy Recommendations’ here.